In the twitter, every day it always brings up controversial topics. And, right at the end of last October, the blue bird was again bustling with contradictory chatter around the @indonesia account which promised a donation of 25 rupiah for every follower that was collected. As revealed by Sumarketer, promotion that is charity has always been a popular magnet. No doubt, a Paris Hilton via her twitter account also expressed support. Maybe Jeng Paris doesn't know exactly how much the 25 rupiah nominal is.

In an instant, the retweet on the invitation to become a follower scattered until finally a Twitter member realized that even 25 rupiah in denominations (apparently) was extinct. Then, the analysis of the conspiracy behind collecting the lure of donations sprays. The majority, at least those I followed, expressed disapproval.
The discourse on using disasters as a means of promotion then rolls around. In addition, it turned out that the account owner (initially) displayed the avatar of the movie poster and after being traced, this is not the time the perpetrator is taking advantage of the situation for promotion. No doubt, the account then changed the avatar and - later - changed the website URL in its Twitter bio.
Promotion via Twitter, is not new, many brands are competing to take advantage of it, and not a few have been successful. There are so many gaps that can be entered on Twitter, so that Donate Info have been aggressively raised via this microblogging medium. From just worries about collecting goods, information on accounts for channeling fresh funds, to the mass of followers who are rewarded in rupiah.
Actually, it is fine, only in the @indonesiaberdoa case, an irregularity was caught by the masses. Among others, the number of donations was too small, the promotional nuances were strong and the transparency regarding fundraising. Questions regarding the donation mechanism, the origin of funds, and distribution are only answered briefly and directed to the URL of the account owner. The latest news, the goal of the account owner to collect 1 million followers! Defeating @sherinamunaf which is predicted to have the most followers, of course. Unfortunately, until now, there have not been any reports on the distribution of funds.
Promotion as well as donation is not new. In the real world, Philips has done this with the lure of providing electricity to underdeveloped villages for the purchase of certain types of light bulbs. Meanwhile, in the month of Ramadan, @abcdapurpeduli made a free iftar action for the poor by collecting recipes posted on his FB fan page.
Either way, cooperating with promotions and Donations Information in one action is still a matter of controversy. I myself think that as long as there are no losses incurred to customers and distribution is carried out transparently, that's fine. Unfortunately, the @indonesiaberdoa account owner forgets, not all citizens of Twitter can be fooled.
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