Glee, Britney Spears | Seo Support

Britney Spears plans to become a star in one episode of the comedy musical "Glee" is popular in the U.S., in order dedicated to the achievement of the pop star, according to series producer, Ryan Murphy, on Wednesday. But the episode that will air on both television drama series that will highlight the joy of Britney Spears as a former queen of music.

"Britney, I think 100 percent will be starring in that episode. He will join us for some scenes," Murphy said in an interview with Ryan Seacrest of Los Angeles DJ.

Murphy did not reveal what the character brought Spears, in the episode that he described as full of reverence and so polite. "We take care of Britney with full attention," he said.

Episode starring Britney Spears is following the episodes "Glee" previously devoted to music by Madonna and Lady Gaga the year is still some time this year, although the two stars did not took part in the series.

Murphy called the musicality Spears - who became a phenomenon the world 10 years ago through hits like "Oops .. I Did It Again" - will be played as custom only.
