Probably, everyone knows Tiger Woods, a young golfer with a myriad of achievements, and making it one of the richest people in the world. And now, towards the close of 2009, Woods shook the world with news that conducted affairs with several women, even of not less than eight people.
The flow of news about Tiger Woods is largely driven by public interest in the world of celebrity. Very strange if the case does not affect any affair Woods: losing corporate sponsors, an amazing golf career drowned, and most importantly, marriage and family in danger.
Perhaps more than adultery cases are already very common in the Western world, Tiger Woods is the case once again become an important alarm about infidelity in marriage is a lot happening in America.
Most Americans, in the midst of an economic crisis of whack them, adultery should not be considered lightly, even though Hollywood and other media often do. This is not a comedy. Also not a game. Like Jenny Sanford said that was so clear and sharp last week that he was "sick" when her husband, Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina, had an affair with one girl from Argentina.
Year 2009 can be regarded as the year of celebrity infidelity. But this affair also really hit ordinary people. Various studies indicate the range in the number of married men in America had an affair as much from 15 to 40 percent and women ranging from 5 to 25 percent).
The flow of news about Tiger Woods is largely driven by public interest in the world of celebrity. Very strange if the case does not affect any affair Woods: losing corporate sponsors, an amazing golf career drowned, and most importantly, marriage and family in danger.
Perhaps more than adultery cases are already very common in the Western world, Tiger Woods is the case once again become an important alarm about infidelity in marriage is a lot happening in America.
Most Americans, in the midst of an economic crisis of whack them, adultery should not be considered lightly, even though Hollywood and other media often do. This is not a comedy. Also not a game. Like Jenny Sanford said that was so clear and sharp last week that he was "sick" when her husband, Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina, had an affair with one girl from Argentina.
Year 2009 can be regarded as the year of celebrity infidelity. But this affair also really hit ordinary people. Various studies indicate the range in the number of married men in America had an affair as much from 15 to 40 percent and women ranging from 5 to 25 percent).