Indonesian Handicrafts Very Need Protection

Indonesia Furniture Handicraft Wholesale Marketplace News,

Indonesia loses U.S. market potential of at least $ 13.5 million annually due to export of Indonesian handicrafts to various countries through neighboring countries, Malaysia. "The potential to lose 10 to 15 percent of total exports of Indonesian Handicraft to Malaysia" says Executive Director Manufactoring Establishment Association of Indonesian Furniture and Handicraft.

According to the Department of Trade, government needs to make efforts to protect and encourage the registration of Intellectual Property Rights for Indonesian handicraft products are not duplicated or in other countries claim. According to him "Be ready to face free market, we must also be ready with the protection of IPRs, because the craft vulnerable on Fake and in other countries claim.

The general chairman of the Association of Exporters and Producers of Indonesian Handicraft Rudi Lengkong said the government had facilitated copyright registration in the central and local level by opening a clinic Intellectual Property Rights . "There is no difficulty to register the copyright, should be done" he said. Yet there are many crafters who have not realized the importance of copyright registration.

Viewing stategisnya Indonesian handicrafts value, It is only fitting that the crafters of medium and small businesses fostered by the Ministry of Cooperatives and medium and small businesses are given counseling about the importance of Intellectual Property Rights registration for the products of their handicrafts.

In addition, the State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) that have been the builder of the medium and small businesses need to provide facilitation in the registration of IPRs for medium and small businesses to crafters Intellectual Property Rights consultant. This is very important to be done so that the economic value of Indonesian handicrafts, as well as characteristics of the Indonesian people can be protected. Because after all, copyright is an Indonesian craft could become the ambassador of Indonesia in countries outside of Indonesia will introduce a variety of cultural diversity and creative crafts. Thus, the products of handicraft Indonesia could provoke the arrival of foreign tourists to Indonesia.
